Many of you will know I'm an early adopter of new tech, and will weigh up the benefits of anything which will help us reach more people.
It took me about three years before I maxed out my personal Facebook account, and then I opened a ministry page, which now has 5,500 followers. All sounds good so far - wrong.
Over the last year or so I've been watching a worrying trend. How Facebook is now forcing you to boost post (pay to reach) your own followers. Charging you effectively to communicate to your own friends through their network.
To give you an example. Below is my ministry page, which two weeks ago I posted about an upcoming book we're publishing. After two weeks, the post has only been seen by 92 out of a potential 5,500 followers. If I boost posted this one post to my whole list, it would cost in excess of £150. I usually post once a day so that would cost over £54,750 per year - which is outrageous.
This platform which showed so much promise, but is now milking it's audience for everything it can get, so I am weighing up my options, to see where I can go, that's cheaper. BTW, there is a flood of people migrating to Instagram - which is owned by guess who - FACEBOOK.