After eight years of thinking 'i'll get around to that' I finally had a picture of the Hubbard Glacier which I took on our honeymoon in 2010, blown up, printed onto canvasses (it needed three) and mounted on the wall.
It was one of those 'Once in a Lifetime' trips where we took a cruise from Vancouver, sailed up into the coastal towns of south eastern Alaska.
There had been a storm the night before, so some of the face of the glacier had carved into the sea. This meant our ship couldn't get as close as usual to it's face.
Never the less the pictures captured that day, will remain for me one of the most memorable of my life.
Some friends of mine have recently setup a new company which produces canvasses, so I thought I wonder what it would look like mounted on our living room wall.
The results have immediately taken back to the awe and wonder I felt that day. Amazed by the creation of God, in a place we might never visit again.
When you have cherished times, create a momento, something to remind you of the experience. I know I'll have plenty of enjoyment from this image, and everytime I look at it, I'll be (at least in my mind) transported there.
