Yesterday I started the process of 'undecorating'. We had our main tree up since September 22nd (a week late), but since then we moved our living room into what used to be the office, and turned the old living room into a dining room.
This meant we needed a second tree !! A lovely Norwegian Sprue, which I must admit didn't have sharp spines and hardly lost any needles to the floor. We called the tree Brexit as it's foliage was accomplished at the bottom, but it bolted about mid way and hard hardly any substance after half way.
We enjoyed the tree, Reuben and Rebekah decorated it. On taking it down, I lifted it out to the back yard and began stripping the branches to bag then for the car journey to the local recycling centre.
Reuben and Rebekah were keeping a watchful eye, and I was expecting Reuben (5 yrs old) to ask a lot of questions. My son wasn't the one that brought the laugh, when Rebekah asked, at the point I took the photo - do you think it will grow back if we planted it ?
I was at this point lost for words..... Should we take a vote ?
This post is part of the daily blog - Memoirs of a Skinny Welshman, by Carl Brettle.