Last Thursday, Rebekah and I had the privilege of sharing about the work of Neighbourhood Prayer Network at a Parliamentary Reception for Faith in Later Life, a ministry which holds a strategic alliance with our ministry.
We first met Carl Knightly (The CEO) about a year ago, who was picking up the reigns of a collaborative ministry, founded by the Pilgrims Friend Society, The Salvation Army, London City Mission, Mission Care and Keychange.
The simple mission of Faith in Later Life to see older Christians empowered in everything they do, living a fulfilled and fruitful life in older age.
Last November NPN launched Neighbour Sunday with Faith in Later Life and we saw over 400 Churches download the resource pack, brilliant for the first year.
If your Church is wondering how to envigorate your older folk and give them purpose, we highly recommend Faith in Later Life to you.
They have over 150 resources online as well as over 2,000 listed events (searchable by area) to give your senior folk in Church a new lease of life.
Anyway, as I sign off, here was NPN's contribution on the night.